Entrepreneurs for Nature – Second Edition

Promote and implement private enterprises for the sustainable use of natural resources associated with NPAs.
Strengthening the management of the Sierra del Divisor National Park- Phase IV

Contribute to the implementation of the master plan of Sierra del Divisor National Park
Support for the Implementation of Peru’s National Strategy on Forests and Climate Change (ENBCC) Phase III – IDB Readiness

Continue contributing to the implementation of the National Strategy on Forests and Climate Change.
Coordinating the NGO Response for the Repsol Oil Spill

Support the NGO community response to the 2022 Repsol oil spill, and coordinate these activities with the Government of Peru (GOP).
Biodiversity conservation of the Tumbes Reserved Zone

Promote biodiversity conservation in the Tumbes Reserved Zone.
Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change on Peru’s Coastal Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries

Support the Peruvian Government in reducing the vulnerability of coastal communities to the impacts of climate change on marine-coastal ecosystems and their fishing resources.
PMRI II Contribution Program and other EPS of the National Urban Sanitation Program

Finance investment measures of the EPS beneficiaries of the PMRI II Contribution Program and other EPS approved by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation.
Strengthening the Management of Sierra Del Divisor National Park – Phase III

Contribute to the implementation of the Sierra del Divisor NP Master Plan.
Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through Amazonian protected areas (Phase 1).

Contribute to the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the accelerated deforestation processes in the high Amazon of Peru, through the effective management of the NPA and its buffer zones with an integrated approach to conservation and development.
Support for effective control and strengthening of local capacities in the Pucacuro National Reserve.

Support NPA protection and management activities through the construction and implementation of a surveillance point and the execution of a program to train, educate and recognize volunteer community park rangers.
Integral management and sustainable use of the great stretch of the Inca Trail: Huancabamba-Caxas and its areas of influence.

Establish management alternatives for the Huancabamba – Caxas section of the Great Inca Trail that are inserted in plans and actions for conservation and sustainable use of high Andean biodiversity of the provincial government of Huancabamba and the Piura region.
Sustainable development of local communities and conservation of biological diversity in the Nanay-Pucacuro corridor

Promote the sustainable development of local communities, the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and the creation and consolidation of the Nanay-Pucacuro Biological Corridor, including the management of the Natural Protected Areas within it (Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve – RNAM and the Pucacuro Reserved Zone – ZRP).
Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Noroeste Biosphere Reserve

Conservation of biological diversity in the Noroeste Biosphere Reserve (RBNO for its acronym in Spanish).
Environmental Closure of the five El Dorado tailings deposits

Execute environmental remediation works for the five El Dorado tailings deposits, including post closure management, with resources from the MEM-FONAM-COFIDE Trust Fund.
Priority areas for the participatory conservation of the biodiversity of the dry forest of the northern coast of Peru

Promote the conservation of the biodiversity of the dry forest of the northern coast of Peru.
Natural Protected Areas Program-Phase II

Contribute to the conservation of representative samples of the country’s biological diversity and sustainable development.
Sustainable management of the resources of the Pastaza and Morona river basins.

Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the border province Datem del Marañón.
Basis for the establishment of an effective Management of the Yaguas National Park – Phase I

Conserve the biodiversity of Yaguas National Park and the continued provision of ecosystem services, in order to contribute to economic development and greater social inclusion of the native communities within the natural protected area.
Participatory Management of Natural Protected Areas

Contribute to the conservation of globally important biodiversity in Peru.
Strengthening the management of Sierra del Divisor National Park – Phase I

Contribute to the implementation of the Sierra del Divisor NP Master Plan.
Strengthening sustainable management of the Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras national reserve (RNSIIPG for its acronym in Spanish)

Improve the integrated management of the marine-coastal ecosystems of the Sistema de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras del Perú National Reserve (RNSIIPG) and protect their biological diversity in representative pilot sites.
Effective management of natural protected areas

Strengthen SERNANP’s management and the management model of the selected NPAs for the effective and sustainable achievement of their objectives as defined in the Director Plan and Master Plans and that are consistent with the goals of the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011 – 2020.
REDD of the Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ for its acronym in Spanish)

Prevent deforestation in the PNCAZ based on 3 main goals: (I) strengthening the park’s protection strategy; (II) using a participatory model to involve local communities and other stakeholders in the park’s management and financial sustainability; and (III) building local capacity for sustainable land use and improving the quality of life of the buffer zone communities.
Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement

Contribute to the conservation of the tropical forest in Peru.
Program for sustainable economic development and strategic management of natural resources in the regions of Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Cusco and Pasco.

Manage and make use of the NPAs in a sustainable manner and in coordination with development planning processes and key stakeholders.
Participation of native communities in the management of natural protected areas in the Peruvian Amazon.

Increase the sustainability of biodiversity conservation in the Peruvian Amazon through the involvement of native communities in the management of existing and new NPAs.
Sustainable management of the resources of the Pastaza and Morona River Basins – Phase II

Improve the quality of life of the native communities involved in the project intervention zones, based on sustainable management and conservation of the prioritized renewable natural resources.
Protection of natural areas program –Phase I

Contribute to the sustainable conservation of ecosystems in Peru.
Sustainable Management of Protected Areas and Forests of the Northern Highlands of Peru

Ensure sustainable and participatory management of protected areas and communal forestlands in the northern highlands of Peru, addressing existing obstacles and threats
Environmental action plan for the buffer zones of the Left Bank of the Alto Mayo River protected forest

Ensure the protection of natural resources and biological diversity in a sustainable manner, within a framework that favors the activities of the population settled in the project area on the left bank of the Alto Mayo River.
Payment mechanism for environmental services based on water resources in the Salinas y Agua Blanca National Reserve (Arequipa).

Promote the implementation of a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) mechanism to ensure the continuous supply of water to the users of the Chili River basin.
Development of SINANPE’s institutional capacity for the management, administration, and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources in the NPAs

Provide a stable and long-term source of funding for the conservation of Peru’s biodiversity through the establishment of a trust fund.
Support for the tri-national program for the conservation and sustainable development of the La Paya (Colombia), Gueppi (Peru) and Cuyabeno (Ecuador) natural areas corridor-Phase II.

Contribute to the development and strengthening of the national management of Güeppí National Park.
Integrated management program for Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary

Consolidate the processes initiated for the conservation of the exceptionally rich and diverse nature and the environmental protection of the extraordinary archeological remains of the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary (HS) and increase their contribution to sustainable regional development.
Financing of recurrent costs of 6 NPAs

Contribute to the protection and conservation of biological diversity and natural resources in natural protected areas by strengthening the administration of these areas.
Canada Trust Fund

Promote the effective conservation of NPAs through diverse programs with the local population and make these areas sustainable sources of economic resources for their inhabitants and neighbors.
Consolidation of the Permanence Financing Program (PFP) for SINANPE: “Peruvian Natural Heritage”

Guarantee the start-up of the model that seeks the effective management of Peru’s System of Natural Protected Areas through an articulated and diversified strategy for financial sustainability.
Creation of a bio-business model based on solar energy to improve productivity in the Peruvian Amazon

Implementation of 3 bio-businesses with solar energy in the province of Datem del Marañon.
Support in the preparation of the technical file for the establishment of NPA in the Lambayeque region.

Preparation of the technical file for the establishment of a NPA in the Cañaris Forest.
Remediation of 119 mining environmental liabilities “El Dorado and La Tahona”.

Execute the remediation of 119 environmental liabilities, included in the El Dorado and La Tahona Project, with resources from the MEM-FONAM-SCOTIABANK Trust Fund.
Support for strengthening the management, protection, management and monitoring of natural resources in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (RNPS for its acronym in Spanish)

Strengthen the management of the Samiria River basin and tributaries of the RNPS.
Effective implementation of the regime of access and distribution of benefits and traditional knowledge in Peru in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol

Strengthen national capacities for the effective Implementation of the Access to Genetic Resources (AGR) and Traditional Knowledge (TK) regimes in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol, and to contribute to biodiversity conservation and human well-being in the country.
Strengthening biodiversity conservation through the National Program for Natural Protected Areas.

Contribute to the long-term ecological sustainability of Peru’s NPAs by expanding the ecological representativeness of SINANPE and implementing conservation activities at various levels (national, regional and private) within the ecological corridors.
Implementation of the master plan for the Amarakaeri communal reserve (RCA for its acronym in Spanish).

Implement the RCA Master Plan
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through Amazonian protected areas (Phase 2)

Contribute to the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the accelerated deforestation processes in the upper Amazon of Peru, through the effective management of the NPAs and their buffer zones with an integrated approach to conservation and development.
USAID/USFS Forest Monitoring and Resource Strengthening Program -FOREST

To provide administrative and logistical support to the U.S. Forest Service for the implementation of activities under the USAID/USFS Forest Monitoring and Resource Strengthening (FOREST) Program.
Support for the tri-national conservation and sustainable development program of the La Paya (Colombia), Gueppi (Peru) and Cuyabeno (Ecuador) natural areas corridor.

Contribute to the consolidation of the Tri-national Conservation and Sustainable Development Program of the La Paya – Güeppí – Cuyabeno Protected Areas Corridor (Tri-national Program), as a model for the coordinated management of neighboring protected areas in border zones.
Basis for the establishment of an effective Management of Yaguas National Park II

Conserve the biodiversity of Yaguas National Park and the continued provision of ecosystem services, in order to contribute to economic development and greater social inclusion of the native communities within the natural protected area.
Natural Areas Program III- Conservation of Coastal Marine Biodiversity (PAN III)

Contribute to the effective management of marine-coastal Natural Protected Areas (ZRI, RNSF, RNSIIPG).
Conservation and sustainable use of high Andean ecosystems in Peru through payment for environmental services for rural poverty alleviation and social inclusion

Conserve high Andean ecosystems (pajonal, native forests and wetlands) in the upper basins of the Cañete and Jequetepeque rivers, which provide ecosystem services, especially water regulation, through the implementation of Mechanisms for the Remuneration of Ecosystem Services (MERESE).