Effective implementation of the regime of access and distribution of benefits and traditional knowledge in Peru in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol

Strengthen national capacities for the effective Implementation of the Access to Genetic Resources (AGR) and Traditional Knowledge (TK) regimes in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol, and to contribute to biodiversity conservation and human well-being in the country.

Start :

March 7, 2018


June 30, 2023


US$ 2.190.000,00

Profonpe's role:




Global Environment Facility (GEF)

A partnership for international cooperation in which 183 countries work together with international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector to address global environmental challenges.




The Ministry of the Environment promotes the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, the enhancement of biological diversity and environmental quality for the benefit of people and the environment.


Ámbito nacional

The project seeks to ensure that the Nagoya Protocol is effectively implemented throughout Peru.


Multiple beneficiaries

  • Researchers and academics
  • Entrepreneurs who carry out access for the development of products with commercial potential in different areas.
  • Indigenous peoples, who act as providers of traditional knowledge associated with the genetic resource.
  • Public officials of the authorities involved (from MINAM, SERFOR, INIA, PRODUCE).


Development of 01 database of species prioritized by the actual value
or potential value of their genetic resources or derivatives for research, development and innovation for commercial purposes in Peru.

Elaboration of guidelines and a methodological guide for the registration of collective knowledge
of indigenous peoples, in the framework of Law 27811, which establishes the
regime for the protection of the collective knowledge of indigenous
peoples related to biological resources.

Support in the technical discussion process on the
proposal for a new regulation on access to genetic resources for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.

Development of 01 database of species prioritized by the actual value
or potential value of their genetic resources or derivatives for research, development and innovation for commercial purposes in Peru.

Elaboration of guidelines and a methodological guide for the registration of collective knowledge
of indigenous peoples, in the framework of Law 27811, which establishes the
regime for the protection of the collective knowledge of indigenous
peoples related to biological resources.

Support in the technical discussion process on the
proposal for a new regulation on access to genetic resources for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.

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