Joint efforts to strengthen the management of Regional Conservation Areas in Ucayali

Under the Financial Mechanism of the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDoI) Project, led by the Ministry of Environment, representatives of Profonanpe, the Regional Government of Ucayali and the NGO Naturaleza y Cultura visited two Regional Conservation Areas: Imiria and Alto Tamaya-Abujao. The purpose was to implement action plans aimed at strengthening the management of these protected areas.

Twenty-four Native Communities of Loreto receive property titles

The titling of native communities contributes to guaranteeing the legal security of their territories.

Challenges in the sustainability of marine-coastal projects

On Thursday, May 23, the first edition of Profonanpe’s Roundtables of the year was held, a meeting that, on this occasion, brought together specialists from the public and private sectors and associations involved in the implementation of marine-coastal initiatives.

Promoting the development of public investment projects with a focus on Dry Forest

The Dry Forest of the Northern Coast of Peru project, executed by the Ministry of the Environment, contributed to the development of technical assistance meetings for investment in projects aimed at recovering these ecosystems on the country’s northern coast.

Profonanpe receives first official contribution from Caja Ica’s Mega Ahorro Verde mechanism

This Friday, May 17, the financial institution Caja Municipal Ica made the first official contribution to Profonanpe, within the framework of the “Mega Ahorro Verde” financial mechanism, for more than 16,000 soles. This fund will be used for the campaign “One Million Trees for the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu”, an initiative that will be managed by Sernanp to preserve the biodiversity of the protected natural area.

Amazonian bio-businesses contribute to the design of instruments for emissions monitoring and safeguards management

Through different dialogue spaces in Lima, San Martín and Madre de Dios, the project “Amazon Eco Bio Businesses Facility” (Amazon EBBF) gathered the contribution of bio-business leaders and representatives of public and private entities and native communities for the design of the necessary instruments for measuring the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and the management of social and environmental safeguards at the eco and bio-business level.


Joint efforts to strengthen the management of Regional Conservation Areas in Ucayali


Twenty-four Native Communities of Loreto receive property titles


Challenges in the sustainability of marine-coastal projects


Promoting the development of public investment projects with a focus on Dry Forest


Profonanpe receives first official contribution from Caja Ica’s Mega Ahorro Verde mechanism


Amazonian bio-businesses contribute to the design of instruments for emissions monitoring and safeguards management


ACR+: A project that will contribute to the sustainability of regional conservation areas


Both institutions, with the support of the “Amazonian Forests – ASL22” project, have established a roadmap to strengthen the management and conservation of Abanico del Pastaza, the largest Ramsar site in the Peruvian Amazon, whose value stands out for its high carbon sequestration capacity and for being home to a great diversity of flora and fauna species.


Joint efforts to strengthen the management of Regional Conservation Areas in Ucayali


Seven organizations will receive funding from Conserva Aves in Peru


Loreto: Call for Detailed Engineering to continue with the Environmental Remediation process in the Peruvian Amazon announced


Environmental financing opportunities in April


More than 700 thousand soles will benefit communities in the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve thanks to new MRESE agreement


Regional Government of Piura strengthens capacities in investment projects for the conservation of Biological Diversity


Inter-American Development Bank and Profonanpe call for companies interested in participating in the Voluntary Carbon Market


Dialogue and identification of opportunities for the financing of Amazonian Bio-businesses begins


Green Climate Fund approved funding for “Resilient Puna” Project


Environmental financing opportunities in March