Consolidation of the Permanence Financing Program (PFP) for SINANPE: “Peruvian Natural Heritage”

Guarantee the start-up of the model that seeks the effective management of Peru's System of Natural Protected Areas through an articulated and diversified strategy for financial sustainability.

Start :

August 6, 2018


August 30, 2020


US$ 513,000

Profonpe's role:




Fundación Moore

La Fundación Gordon and Betty Moore apoya el la innovación científica, la conservación del ambiente, las mejoras en el cuidado de los pacientes y la preservación de la naturaleza de la Bahía de San Francisco.




The National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State - SERNANP is in charge of directing and establishing the technical and administrative criteria for the conservation of Natural Protected Areas - NPAs, and to ensure the maintenance of biological diversity.


Population living in the zones of influence of the NPAs of the SINANPE Amazon biome.


Supported the preparation of 3 concept notes to contribute to raising sinking capital for the PdP-Amazon Initiative.

In conjunction with the “Securing the Future of Peru's PNAs" project, we managed the approval of the closing conditions for the single agreement.

As well as the event for the signing of the agreement or Memorandum of Understanding, which marked the beginning of the Peru Heritage Initiative.

Supported the preparation of 3 concept notes to contribute to raising sinking capital for the PdP-Amazon Initiative.

In conjunction with the “Securing the Future of Peru's PNAs" project, we managed the approval of the closing conditions for the single agreement.

As well as the event for the signing of the agreement or Memorandum of Understanding, which marked the beginning of the Peru Heritage Initiative.

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