Your strategic ally in natural preservation

Our work at Profonanpe

Profonanpe is responsible for raising, managing and administering financial resources for the execution of various actions, programs, projects and other interventions aimed at conserving the country’s biodiversity, managing environmental liabilities, and contributing to the fight against climate change.

Profonanpe works in close coordination with the public and private institutions involved for the formulation of program and project proposals. We also ensure that projects comply with environmental, social and gender safeguards, supervision of compliance with the institution’s procedures in the development of the operations carried out; and monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects.

Managed Funds

We manage received resources and invest them through specialized asset managers following Profonanpe Investment Policy Statement or the donors’ dispositions and using one of the following trust funds mechanisms:


Annual returns of the capital are used for the pre-approved project activities but the capital remains untouched


Both capital and annual returns are used for project activities.


Capital is used for project activities but annual returns are saved to form a new endowment fund to provide sustainability to local interventions once a project ends.

Areas in which we intervene

Profonanpe’s intervention actions have scope throughout the Peruvian territory. In the more than 30 years of Profonanpe’s activities, it has channeled funding in favor of 100% of Peru’s protected natural areas.

Similarly, Profonanpe intervenes in geographic areas of interest for conservation and the fight against climate change, through projects financed by the main global funds: Global Environment Facility (GEF), Adaptation Fund (AF) and Green Climate Fund (GCF).

Lines of Intervention.

Water and Mechanisms for the Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES)
Natural Protected Areas (NPAs)
Environmental liabilities

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