Profonanpe News


Resilient Fishing: Profonanpe’s documentary on the impact of climate change on Peru’s coasts

The launching of the documentary, which will bring together the fishing communities involved in this story, will take place on July 2 at Los Órganos beach in Piura.

July, 2022. – The documentary Pesca Resiliente (Resilient Fishing), produced by the Peruvian private environmental fund Profonanpe, seeks to make visible the silent battle being waged in the country’s fishing coves against the impact of climate change, which is particularly affecting small-scale fishing. This audiovisual production will be premiered on Saturday, July 2 at Los Órganos beach in Piura, and will feature fishermen and women workers of the project “Adaptation to the impacts of the Peruvian coastal marine ecosystem and its fisheries”, promoted by the environmental fund in the area.


The documentary portrays the urgencies and expectations of fishing communities and the close link between their lifestyle and the sea and hydrobiological resources.



“We are very excited to know that the stories of Ubaldo, Josefa and Veronica will reach thousands of Peruvians, who will learn in greater detail about the efforts being made to create a fishing community with a high degree of adaptability to climate change,” said José Zavala, general coordinator of the Marine-Coastal Adaptation (AMC) project.


Resilient Fishing” is an example of the work being carried out by the project “Adaptation to the impacts of Peru’s coastal marine ecosystem and its fisheries” financed by the Adaptation Fund and promoted by the Ministry of Production, IMARPE, the national program “A Comer Pescado” and Profonanpe. This initiative promotes adaptation measures to reduce the vulnerability of fishing communities in Máncora and Huacho to climate change through four areas:


  • Implementation of adaptive measures: promote the technical and productive capacities of fishing coves to venture into new economic activities such as aquaculture, the use of sustainable fishing gear, experiential tourism, the enhancement of marine ecosystems, and the production of biofertilizers. Activities that improve the livelihoods of fishing populations and minimize damage to the marine ecosystem.


  • Technological and scientific development: expand oceanographic data collection capacity with new technological tools, state-of-the-art equipment (gliders), and generation of information through oceanographic modeling and participatory marine monitoring (MiMar app).


  • Knowledge generation and fisheries governance: through platforms for the dissemination of knowledge of coastal marine areas, as well as support to the different agents involved in strengthening environmental governance by providing different management tools.


  • Empowerment of women and generational replacement: promoting the participation of women in new areas related to artisanal fishing, and also ensuring the participation of young people in the activities.



“Resilient Fishing has allowed us to get closer to fishing communities through vulnerability assessments of pilot areas, as well as ecological risk assessments to develop intervention measures to reduce the impact of climate change. These and other parallel actions have allowed us to achieve direct benefits such as increased income for fishermen and increased formalization processes in the areas of influence,” said Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe.


The documentary will also be screened in Huacho on July 14, and will tell the progress of “Resilient Fishing” in the cove of Carquin. To learn more about the project please visit 


About Profonanpe:


Profonanpe has established itself as the most important private environmental fund in Peru. Since its foundation, it has been characterized for being an institution specialized in creating, developing and implementing innovative processes in the administrative and technical management of funds, and articulating with all public and private actors working in favor of biodiversity conservation, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

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