Sustainable management and restoration of the dry forest of the northern coast of Peru (Bosque Seco)

Restore and sustainably manage the dry forests of the North Coast of Peru facilitating the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, increasing the resilience of communities and their livelihoods, and supporting the achievement of the goal of land degradation neutrality (LDN).

Start :

December 23, 2022


December 22, 2027



Profonpe's role:

Executor and administrator



Partnership for international cooperation in which 183 countries work together with international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector to address global environmental challenges

Partnership for international cooperation in which 183 countries work together with international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector to address global environmental challenges


Ministerio del ambiente logo


Profonananpe is the Peruvian environmental fund that provides innovative alternatives for environmental care and sustainable development


Lambayeque, La Libertad, Piura, Tumbes

Dry forest of the northern coast of Peru, which has been divided into six major corridors:
i) Reserva de Biósfera del Noroeste Amotapes
ii) Bosque de llanura litoral y del Bajo Piura
iii) Bosque de llanura Chulucanas Tambogrande
iv) Bosques secos de colina Norte
v) Bosques secos de colina Sur
vi) Bosque de llanura de Cascajal-Olmos

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