Profonanpe News


Profonanpe: promoter of environmental initiatives towards a Circular Economy

During the V International Forum on Circular Economy, Profonanpe, Peruvian Environmental Fund, highlighted its work in the transition to a circular economy in Peru.

The V International Forum on Circular Economy was held from September 13 to 15, an event that brought together more than 70 national and international experts to exchange experiences, lessons and commitments, thus promoting the circular economy in the country. Profonanpe, Peruvian private environmental fund, presented its work in environmental sustainability related to the circular economy.


Luis Guillen, General Director of Environmental Affairs of Produce Industry, Ángel Paullo, Regional Manager of Economic Development of Cusco, Omar Cárdenas, Member of the Sustainability Commission of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima, Juana Kuramoto, Head of the Research and Development Office of Profonanpe, Robert Steinlechner, Head of Cooperation of the European Union in Peru, Manuel Leempén, Regional Governor of La Libertad and Edgardo Cruzado, Expert in management, decentralization and public policies.
Luis Guillen, General Director of Environmental Affairs of Produce Industry, Ángel Paullo, Regional Manager of Economic Development of Cusco, Omar Cárdenas, Member of the Sustainability Commission of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima, Juana Kuramoto, Head of the Research and Development Office of Profonanpe, Robert Steinlechner, Head of Cooperation of the European Union in Peru, Manuel Leempén, Regional Governor of La Libertad and Edgardo Cruzado, Expert in management, decentralization and public policies.


Juana Kuramoto, Head of Profonanpe’s Research and Development Office, participated in the round table discussion “How to make it feasible to obtain resources to promote the circular transition”, in which she highlighted the fundamental role of the State and the need for a multisectoral vision to initiate the transition to a circular economy at the national level. She also stressed that this process must consider native and indigenous communities: “If we talk about circular economy, biodiversity and sustainable resource use, we must also talk about local populations, native and peasant populations that need to be included”.


On the same day, Profonanpe, together with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) organized the segment “Financial instruments for circular enterprises: advances and successful experiences”. In this space, Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe, shared the institution’s experience as a partner in the implementation of sustainable and circular environmental projects. This segment also included the participation of Jose Luis Vilela, Head of BBVA’s Strategic Sustainability Plan; and Ferruccio Santetti, Deputy Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of GGGI.


Paola Córdova, Senior Green Growth Officer at GGGI, José Luis Vilela, Head of BBVA’s Strategic Sustainability Plan, Anton Willems, Chief Executive Director of Profonanpe and Ferruccio Santetti, Deputy Regional Director for Latin America at GGGI.
Paola Córdova, Senior Green Growth Officer at GGGI, José Luis Vilela, Head of BBVA’s Strategic Sustainability Plan, Anton Willems, Chief Executive Director of Profonanpe and Ferruccio Santetti, Deputy Regional Director for Latin America at GGGI.


“We learned that the circular economy, aligned with the sustainability of our projects, gives added value. We seek to promote businesses that integrate three aspects: financial sustainability, social impact and environmental impact,” said Willems.


Profonanpe’s participation in the V Forum on Circular Economy allowed for the exchange of experiences with the public and private sectors, academia and civil society to promote and take action for a just transition with a territorial approach towards a circular economy in the country and the region. Profonanpe is also participating in the process of building the Peruvian Platform for a Circular Economy, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, together with 23 organizations from the public, private, academic and international cooperation sectors.

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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