The decline of pollinating insects has become a threat to biodiversity and food security. Approximately 75% of the world’s crops depend, to some extent, on these insects for reproduction, which highlights the urgency of their protection.
In response to this problem, German development cooperation has launched the project “Regional action for the protection of pollinating insects and pollination services in Latin America and the Caribbean” (Poli-LAC). This initiative will help halt the loss of pollinators caused by habitat destruction, pesticide use and climate change.
A commitment to biodiversity and local communities
In this context, and given that the Oxapampa Asháninka Yánesha Oxapampa-Bio-sphere Reserve (BIOAY) is a biodiversity hotspot, the conservation of these pollinators improves the health of ecosystems and also strengthens the economy of the local communities that depend on natural pollination for agricultural production.
To contribute to the conservation of these important pollinators, Profonanpe will implement local actions in the BIOAY through four lines of action: research and monitoring, which will include studies on pollinator diversity and their habitats, as well as the development of a pollinator monitoring system in the region; capacity building for local actors in sustainable practices; and technical and scientific capacities in pollinator monitoring and management; conservation and restoration of at least 100 hectares of key habitats in 10 representative landscapes; and awareness raising and communication through educational campaigns to highlight the importance of pollinators in biodiversity and the local economy (76% of the economically active population of Oxapampa province is engaged in agriculture, livestock and forestry).
Active participation of indigenous communities
In addition, one of the key aspects of this project is the participation of indigenous communities, including Yanesha and Asháninka.
In addition, it will work hand in hand with key indigenous organizations such as the Federation of Native Yanesha Communities (FECONAYA), the Association for the Management and Conservation of the Yanesha Communal Reserve (AMARCY), the Association of Asháninka Communities of the Pichis Valley (ANAP), and the Union of Asháninka and Yanesha Nationalities of Pasco and Huánuco (UNAY).
Expected results and next steps
With the implementation of the project, it is expected to achieve an increase in the pollinator population in the intervened areas, improve sustainable agricultural productivity and consolidate the integration of BIOAY in local biodiversity policies.
In addition, the goal is to strengthen at least one governance structure that includes pollination in its work agendas. The next steps include the mapping of stakeholders, the design of management instruments and the initiation of training and awareness-raising activities this year.
Through this initiative, Profonanpe, in its role as executor, reaffirms its commitment to the conservation of pollinators and environmental sustainability in the BIOAY, ensuring the welfare of local communities and biodiversity in the region, because contributing to the conservation of these pollinating insects not only protects biodiversity, but also strengthens the economy and food security of local communities.
About the project
The regional Poli-LAC project in Peru is led by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), with the support of German development cooperation, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) of Germany, with funds from the International Climate Initiative (IKI), and implemented in BIOAY by Profonanpe, Peru’s environmental fund, in partnership with the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP).