Profonanpe News


Twenty-five business ventures and 8 research projects received funding for their impact on Protected Natural Areas

The Ministry of the Environment, Sernanp and Profonanpe awarded funding to the winners of the Entrepreneurs for Nature contest and research scholarships in the Illescas National Reserve, in order to promote sustainability in Natural Protected Areas and their local development.

The National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), together with the Ministry of Environment and Profonanpe awarded 25 projects and 8 priority research projects that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in Protected Natural Areas (PNA) nationwide.


The head of Sernanp, José Carlos Nieto gave the opening remarks, thanking the participation of various national and public entities for making the contest possible and congratulating the winners: “We have said that natural heritage must also be an opportunity for the development of our country, what is the key to take advantage of our resources in Protected Natural Areas (PNA)? Sustainability. We determine the amount we have and the quota that can be extracted, and together we ensure that this resource is perpetuated over time.”


José Carlos Nieto, head of Sernanp, welcoming the participants.


The scholarships for research in the Illescas National Reserve will seek to generate relevant information for the effective management and sustainable use of natural resources in regions such as Lima, Junín, Lambayeque, Piura and Ica. In addition, “Entrepreneurs for Nature Illescas National Reserve” also awarded 4 projects related to the bioconversion of waste, strengthening tourism and handicrafts.


Aldo Aguirre, Head of the Illescas National Reserve, explained the impact of this recognition, emphasizing that “Decision-making in PNAs should be based on information and that is what we are aiming for, and that is the tendency for management to be based more and more on indicators, which are the results of research work.”


Aldo Aguirre, Head of the Illescas National Reserve presenting the scholarship winners


In his turn, Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe, mentioned the importance of the joint work with Sernanp that makes it possible to work with local populations and the conservation of protected natural areas, and the work of the women who lead several of the winning initiatives. “Today we can see that this tool that we have worked together has concrete and direct effects on the population, and it is something that can be replicated in different territories. Something very important in the guidelines of ‘Entrepreneurs by Nature’ is that we want, together, that women have a clearer leadership, no less than 30% of the winners must be ventures led by women, the conservation of life comes precisely through this joint work.” Profonanpe, Peru’s private environmental fund, works with Sernanp to manage the financing and monitor progress and impact in the field.


Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe


The winning projects include initiatives for the bioconversion of waste, strengthening sustainable tourism and developing productive infrastructure related to resources such as honey, cocoa, medicinal plants and trout, among others. It should be noted that 10 of the winning enterprises are led by women.


Finally, Albina Ruiz, Minister of the Environment, thanked each of the members present who made it possible to obtain funds and administer them for the awards, and especially the work being done with local communities for the sustainable use of resources and the opportunity for ecotourism. “We can conserve only if we do it hand in hand with you, and because we have men and women park rangers, specialist managers who are actually A1, and also us this year, we are taking out a historic budget for next year.”


Albina Ruiz, Minister of the Environment, and Madeleine Burns, Vice Minister of Tourism, highlighted the importance of the management of the areas by Sernanp and the local populations, and the tourism sustainability that these projects and research can offer.


At the same event, the “Emprendedores Cordillera Azul” contest was launched, which the Ministry of the Environment will promote together with the Center for Conservation, Research and Management of Natural Areas (CIMA), with the purpose of promoting and strengthening native communities located in the Buffer Zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park. The projects will be based on the sustainable use of natural resources associated with the park, generating local economic development and contributing to its conservation.


José Carlos Nieto, Albina Ruiz and Jorge Aliaga, president of the board of directors of CIMAS giving the news of “Emprendedores por Cordillera azul.”
Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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