Profonanpe News


A new fundraising plan will be designed to strengthen the environmental sector.

Representatives of public and private entities and civil society participated in the second meeting of the Roundtable Discussions 2023, an exchange of knowledge and strategies to promote the institution's new environmental fundraising plan and strengthen the sector’s national agenda.

Specialists from various public and private organizations, representatives of indigenous communities and international cooperation actors joined in an exchange of knowledge to strengthen Profonanpe’s new fundraising plan, which will prioritize crucial actions such as the sustainability of protected areas, water resource management, sustainable agriculture, solid waste management and energy. This exchange took place during the second meeting of the Roundtable Discussions 2023, organized by the institution.


Profonanpe’s Fundraising Plan was presented, developed based on an exhaustive analysis of the current environmental context in the country, including current legislation, public plans and budgets related to the environment, as well as international treaties and agreements on environmental issues signed by Peru.


Claudia Godfrey, Director of Innovation and Strategic Management at Profonanpe, presented the plan developed by the institution to strengthen actions with its partners: “In addition to having identified the entire environment, all the gaps, updated all the information, we can have a conversation with you, civil society, the public sector, important projects and funders that can, in a discussion or conversation, understand each other, not only the role, but rather what these gaps are, how we identify together, where we are going and which are the best partners to develop projects together.”


Claudia Godfrey, Director of Innovation and Strategic Management of Profonanpe chairs the meeting.


The Roundtable Discussions were divided into two axes: civil society and NGOs, and the public sector/Government. Regarding the first roundtable, the challenges faced by Profonanpe in defining its role in relation to civil society and NGOs in the context of environmental conservation were presented.


The need for Profonanpe to provide high quality financial and technical services was identified, in addition to questions related to work priorities, the type of financing required and optimal collaboration with external organizations, as well as the perception of Profonanpe’s role as a first or second tier institution in this collaboration.



Regarding the public sector/government axis, Profonanpe’s role in securing additional financial resources to meet the State’s objectives related to biodiversity conservation and climate change was highlighted. This is associated with the active collaboration with the public sector, including the national government (such as MINAM and SERNANP) and subnational governments, to advance national conservation and emission reduction goals.


Juana Kuramoto, Head of Profonanpe’s Research and Development Office, highlighted as conclusions the different challenges faced by the public sector for the administration of funds, she also emphasized: “The problems we have at the environmental level are problems that have to do with ecosystems, we mentioned the issue of water as one of the extremely important issues, these ecosystems are the ones that provide us with that service, which is water regulation, water regulation and they have to be managed at the territorial level, and in that sense the sub national governments become the fundamental allies to have that look.”

Juana Kuramoto, head of Profonanpe’s Research and Development Office closes the event.


The third meeting will be held in November after the Roundtable Discussions 2023, which is expected to once again bring together different experts on environmental issues.

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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