Profonanpe News


Sernanp strengthens protection of guano islands and capes with new administrative headquarters in Ilo

The new headquarters will strengthen the articulation between the different levels of Government and citizens for the conservation and sustainable development of this natural protected area.

The new administrative headquarters of the National Service for Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp), an agency attached to the Ministry of the Environment (Minam), was inaugurated in the city of Ilo (Moquegua) with the objective of promoting articulated and integrated management in the southern area of the Guano Islands, Islets and Capes National Reserve System.


The activity was led by the head of Sernanp, Pedro Gamboa, who emphasized that this infrastructure seeks to make visible the articulation between the various levels of Government and citizens for the conservation and sustainable development of this protected natural area. In addition, to enhance the protection of the ecosystems of Punta Coles, Punta Hornillos, Punta La Chira and Punta Ático, as well as to provide adequate conditions for our staff for the effective development of their activities.



He also highlighted the support of more than 50 years of German cooperation in the effective conservation and management of natural protected areas, which today is represented in the implementation of this new headquarters. The event was also attended by the head of the Guano Islands, Islets and Capes National Reserve System, Oscar Garcia Tello; and representatives of the Regional Government of Moquegua, the Provincial Municipality of Ilo, the German Cooperation – KFW, GERCETUR, GEREPRO, among others.


Planning Center


This new headquarters will help strengthening the articulation with local and regional governments, as well as with tour operators and the community of artisanal fishermen to achieve adequate management of the guano islands and capes located in the Moquegua region that are part of the Reserve, and thus promote sustainable development activities.



The premises were acquired through the implementation of the “Conservation of Coastal Marine Biodiversity” Project – Third Phase of the Natural Areas Protection Program – PAN III, executed by Sernanp and Profonanpe, the Peruvian Environmental Fund, with financial support from the German Cooperation – KFW.


Its acquisition consolidates a management style that articulates in a deconcentrated manner the work of the marine protected areas with the local stakeholders with whom it has been working permanently and generates better logistical conditions for the effective management of these areas and the sustainable use of natural resources.


This headquarters has the functionality of office and housing, which will house the specialist and park ranger staff of the southern headquarters of the Guano Islands, Islets and Capes National Reserve System, where they will develop the various actions of planning and strategic management of the country’s marine-coastal ecosystems.


Likewise, its implementation contributes to reinforcing the management and conservation commitments for potentially exploitable hydrobiological resources in coordination with the competent authorities through the management plan for hydrobiological resources (hedgehog, snail and choro) in Punta Coles.


Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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