Your strategic ally in natural preservation

Committed to caring for the planet

We are a private, non-profit organization, specialized in efficiently raising and managing financial resources for the execution of programs and projects that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

With more than 30 years of successful institutional work, Profonanpe has established itself as the most important private environmental fund in Peru. Since its founding, it has been characterized as an institution specialized in creating, developing and implementing innovative processes in administrative and fund management, participatory management and involvement of private companies.

Profonanpe’s experience has allowed it to validate the fundamental aspects of its institutional design. Its beginnings date back to obtaining seed capital that was oriented towards both institutional support and financing conservation activities in natural protected areas. This design has also allowed the government and its international allies to commit resources through the negotiation of debt-for-nature swaps. It is also the first organization of its kind to have a design adapted to the administration of trust funds.

Profonanpe´s work continues to develop throughout the country through the creation of synergies and alliances with public and private institutions; and other international, bilateral, multilateral organizations and foundations, uniting efforts for a common good: the conservation of nature.

Our mission

We manage collaborative projects that have a positive impact on the environment and people.

Our vision

To be the reference partner in Latin America for the implementation of the environmental agenda.

Our purpose

To promote the sustainability of life by connecting humanity with the environment.

Cultivating values that make us strong

We are committed to accountability, understanding that we owe it to those institutions and people who trust us, meeting their regulatory standards, certifications and expectations. We are a transparent institution that promotes information inward and outward which is communicated in the most genuine and timely manner possible. Finally, we adhere to ethical standards in every decision and action we take to achieve our institutional objectives.
2. Innovation
We are constantly looking for new and better ways of doing things, as well as new mechanisms and services to promote environmental improvement, always within the framework of the fulfilment of our strategic objectives and those of our allies. In addition, we are an organization characterized by its flexibility and adaptability to the challenges of the environmental sector.
3.Pursuit of Excellence:
We constantly challenge ourselves and seek continuous improvement through all our processes. We are agile and vocal, as we respond and communicate in a timely manner the demands of our strategic allies, providing solutions that generate shared value.
We are empathetic with the needs of our stakeholders (donors, execution partners, implementing entities, communities, private sector and public sector) and we always seek to anticipate their expectations. We are aware that through our actions we contribute to the sustainable development of the lives of people, our country and the planet.
We act promptly and with the intention of making things happen efficiently and effectively. For Profonanpe, strengthening this commitment means being proactive and doing what needs to be done immediately, without being asked, and in the most comprehensive way possible to create change.

Let's talk about you, your organization, your idea or your project.

We are transparent. We want to hear from you.