Profonanpe News


Profonanpe joins the alliance for the conservation of Amazonia

Six allies of LATAM’s Avión Solidario are putting the brakes on deforestation, illegal wildlife trafficking and environmental crime in an initiative that has a clear objective: the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon.

26th, LATAM Airlines Peru and six partner organizations of its Avion Solidario program: Unidos por los animales – UPA, PROFONANPE, SERNANP, Project Prevenir Consequences, Peruvian Society of Environmental Law and Apeco launched the “SOSelva” initiative, a coalition of organizations that develop, strengthen and promote strategic actions within the framework of the rescue and conservation of the Peruvian Amazon.


With diverse work fronts ranging from the rescue of wildlife and their reinsertion into their respective natural habitats, the implementation of programs to raise awareness of the problem of deforestation, and the development of sustainable tourism in the Amazon that allows for the economic reactivation of Amazonian communities, SOSelva articulates the talent and experience of these six allies with LATAM’s commitment to the sustainability of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. “This is another opportunity that we take with great responsibility from LATAM Peru to channel what we do best, which is to connect, in favor of one of the most beautiful regions we have in Peru, which is the Amazon rainforest,” said Manuel van Oordt, CEO of LATAM Airlines Peru during the launch event of SOSelva organized in the city of Iquitos, accompanied by a panel of leaders of the six partner organizations.


Manuel van Oordt, CEO of LATAM Airlines Peru


“We know that there is still much to be done in our jungle, and we are very happy that LATAM as well as these organizations have joined this deployment that will provide greater visibility to our Amazon but above all will generate greater attention to a solution to the problems that afflict it,” said the mayor of Maynas, Vladimir Chong Rios, invited to the event along with representatives of the regional governments of Loreto and San Martin.


The protocol ceremony was preceded by a visit to the Alpahuayo Mishana Protected Natural Area located 23 km south of the city of Iquitos and the Amazon Rescue Center – CREA, where the delegation of authorities, partners and media were able not only to visit the national reserve but also to experience first-hand the potential that the protection of these natural environments promotes for the development of sustainable tourism.  “We want this visit to encourage more people to get to know this and other natural reserves. The Peruvian jungle has a lot to offer and it is in our hands to preserve it,” said Deyvis Huamán Mendoza, Director of Management in Natural Protected Areas of Sernanp, invited on behalf of Minister Albina Ruiz of the Ministry of Environment.


Deyvis Huamán Mendoza, Director of Management in Natural Protected Areas of Sernanp


Since the launch of this initiative, the SOSelva coalition of allies of LATAM Airlines Peru is committed to promote initiatives from the public and private sectors in favor of the conservation and protection of the Peruvian Amazon; and to strengthen the program through joint coordination and the generation of synergies that generate a real and measurable impact in favor of the Peruvian Amazon. LATAM reinforces its commitment to the environment, the protection of natural habitats and the conservation of natural areas in the Peruvian rainforest with the launch of this program.






Asociación Unidos por los animales has been working since 2004 in the rescue, rehabilitation and relocation of endangered or illegally trafficked animals. Together with LATAM, they have been able to transfer more than 500 animals to rescue centers in different parts of Peru, thus contributing to the conservation of our fauna.




Profonanpe is Peru’s environmental fund. It has 30 years of experience channeling resources in favor of biodiversity conservation and climate change. It is the only Peruvian entity accredited by the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund, two of the world’s most important climate change organizations, and is part of RedLAC, the network that brings together 27 environmental funds in Latin America and the Caribbean.




Since 1982, the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Nature has been promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Peru through local and regional capacity building processes that empower participatory management of protected natural areas, consolidating the governance of rural and indigenous communities.




The National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp), a public agency under the Ministry of the Environment, is responsible for the conservation of Natural Protected Areas, their biological diversity and the maintenance of their environmental services.




The Peruvian Society of Environmental Law is a non-profit civil association that, since 1986, has been working to promote environmental policies and legislation. In addition, through its initiative Conservamos por Naturaleza, it has been involving thousands of people in strategic actions for the conservation of our natural spaces.




In 2021, the Consecuencias initiative, promoted by USAID’s Prevenir project, called for action to get young people and opinion leaders to take seriously the importance of preserving the Peruvian Amazon. This year, Consequences is focused on raising awareness of environmental crime, a message especially aimed at young people in the rainforest.




LATAM Airlines Peru’s Avion Solidario program transports passengers and cargo free of charge when Peru needs help in the areas of health, the environment and natural disasters. During the pandemic we have transported free of charge more than 43 million vaccines against COVID-19, and so far in the program we have allowed the free transportation of more than 1,000 patients and health professionals, in addition to the transportation of more than 500 wild animals that have been relocated and reinserted into their natural habitat.

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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