Profonanpe News


Profonanpe and Municipality of Mala sign agreement to promote sustainable tourism in the district

On Wednesday, September 13, a significant agreement was signed between the Municipality of Mala and Profonanpe, an agreement that establishes collaborative work to promote planned, sustainable and inclusive tourism management in the district of Mala.


This agreement is expected to benefit the local community, generating employment and economic opportunities through sustainable tourism, promoting the conservation of the region’s biodiversity and cultural heritage, and improving the quality of life of the district’s inhabitants.


Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe highlighted the importance of working together to promote sustainable economies and address the climate emergency we are facing: “We have a sense of urgency because we are facing a crisis that is increasingly visible, so we have to do things today, not be planning for 10, 15 or 20 years while our ecosystems and our quality of life is being degraded.”


Anton Willems, CEO of Profonanpe, emphasized the importance of the agreement to promote joint work and protect ecosystems.


Cynthia De La Cruz, head of Social Management at Compañía Minera Condestable said: “We know that this agreement will contribute to the development and better living conditions of the villagers. I also thank the kids from the University of Cañete, who will play a very important role in the execution of the project.”


Cynthia De La Cruz, Head of Social Management, on behalf of Minera Condestable


The mayor of the district of Mala, Julio Marquinho Espichán, concluded by highlighting the involvement of the students of the University of Cañete: “Today is a very important day for Mala and for all of Cañete, because it would be the first district in the entire province to sign an agreement like this, in order to generate a tourism inventory and important planning for tourism to develop in the best way.”


Julio Marquinho Espichán, District Mayor of Mala, highlights the importance of the agreement for the local community.


The inter-institutional agreement between the Municipality of Mala and Profonanpe will also allow for the development of documents and studies for tourism planning in the Lomas de Mala, capacity building for municipal personnel, and the use of previously conducted studies to strengthen the area’s promotional activities. In this process, students from the University of Cañete will also be instrumental in contributing to the necessary research that will be carried out during the project.


About the project “Environmental economic sustainability in the rural community of Mala.”


The signing of the agreement takes place within the framework of the project “Environmental economic sustainability in the rural community of Mala”, an initiative that articulates the work of Profonanpe together with the mining company Condestable and takes action in the district of Mala.


The project is being implemented in the rural community of Mala and aims to improve the quality of life of the population. This will be achieved by diversifying their sources of income, improving essential services and promoting the conservation and sustainable management of local ecosystems. To achieve these objectives, the project relies on the collaboration of Compañía Minera Condestable, Profonanpe and, now, the District Municipality of Mala, working together for the benefit of the community.

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

Comunicaciones Profonanpe

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