Profonanpe News


Joint Declaration of Intent reinforces sustainable management with verification visits in Pasco and Huánuco

These field visits made it possible to verify the impact of the Agroforestry Systems (AFS) in the local communities and to gather first-hand information about the contribution of the JDI project to their sustainable development.



Within the framework of the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) Project, led by the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) and executed by Profonanpe, verification and monitoring visits were carried out in the areas of Pasco and Huánuco on September 27 and October 1.


Agroforestry Systems (AFS), which combine tree growing with agriculture, are key to promoting sustainable land use and improving community income. These visits provided an opportunity to learn first-hand about the progress made in their implementation and to hear from the villagers about the benefits that the project has brought to their territories.


During the first day, the project team visited indigenous organizations such as ANECAP, CONAP and their bases, as well as communities in the district of Palcazu in the province of Oxapampa, Pasco. There, they verified the collaborative work between the villagers and the JDI project, listening to their experiences and observing how the AFS are contributing to the sustainable development of the area.


During the second visit, on October 1, the tour included a visit to the Carpish Montane Forest Regional Conservation Area (RCA) in Huánuco, where the progress of initiatives aimed at biodiversity conservation and forest management was noted. These areas are key to reducing deforestation and mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, a key objective of the ICD project.



Photo: Profonanpe


Cecilia Flores, JDI project manager, commented on the importance of these visits: “Listening to the communities and verifying first-hand how the project’s actions are being implemented is crucial to adjust strategies and ensure that the work we do really improves the quality of life in the communities. The commitment and participation of local organizations has been key to the progress we have made so far.”


The Joint Statement of Intent continues to consolidate its efforts in partnership with key stakeholders, ensuring that initiatives such as the AFS and the management of Regional Conservation Areas (RCA) continue to be effective tools for the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon.

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