Profonanpe News


Global Operating Plan for Phase 2 of the Joint Statement of Intent 2021-2025 is ready together with Regional Governments to stop deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon.

Implementation of Phase 2 of the Joint Statement of Intent (JSI) 2021-2025 by the Ministry of Environment has USD 10,000,000 to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions generated by deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon, through agroforestry systems, community forest management, effective management of Regional Conservation Areas, Allocation of Rights in non-categorized lands in the Peruvian Amazon, among other prioritized actions.

In order to build the Global Operating Plan (GOP) of the project “Implementation Plan for Phase 2 of the updated JSI 2021-2025” to reduce deforestation in the Amazon forests, workshops are being held with representatives of the Regional Governments that make up the Amazon Regional Commonwealth (Amazonas, Huánuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martín y Ucayali), as well as representatives of MINAM, MIDAGRI, SERFOR and Profonanpe.


Through regional workshops for the application of prioritization criteria to define the results of the “Joint Statement of Intent 2021-2025” project, Profonanpe is currently gathering updated information on the commitments fulfilled in the 2022 and 2023 period of the Joint Statement of Intent Agreement. It also seeks to clarify the physical and financial goals to 2025 of the General Operating Plan (GOP). This important document has entered its final phase and will conclude with its approval by the JSI Board of Directors in December.


“The joint multi-stakeholder and multi-level work with national entities, the regional governments of Amazonas, Loreto, San Martín, Ucayali, Huánuco and Madre de Dios and the national indigenous organizations are committed to this important work that will conclude with project documents that will allow us to create the conditions for its implementation in January 2024”, highlighted Cecilia Flores, Project Manager for Phase II of the Joint Statement of Intent (JSI) – Norad Project.


Workshop held in Pucallpa – 10/31/2023 (Credit: Profonanpe)


The project team was responsible for gathering information in the territory in order to validate the management documents. To this end, it has been coordinating with regional governments and indigenous organizations, with whom the progress of priority activities at the local level will be identified.


The 8 topics to work on:

Proposed strategic action of the Implementation Plan of JSI for the period 2024-2025:


  • Implementation of Agroforestry Systems (AFS) in the Amazonian departments.
  • Community Forest Management (CFM) implemented in Amazonian departments.
  • Forest conservation mechanisms in Native Communities in the Peruvian Amazon implemented. 
  • Effective management of Regional Conservation Areas (RCAs) in Amazonian departments.
  • Allocation of Rights in uncategorized lands in the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Contribute to the reduction of illegal activities that generate deforestation in the Amazon departments. 
  • Forestry Zoning of the Amazonian departments.
  • Knowledge management to identify public policy interventions for deforestation reduction.


Workshop held in Huánuco – 11/03/2023 (Credit: Regional Government of Huánuco)


About the Joint Statement of Intent (JSI)


  • In 2014, Peru signed a cooperation agreement with Norway and Germany, called the Joint Statement of Intent (JSI), which was expanded in 2021 to include the United Kingdom and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the latter as an observer.
  • This agreement seeks to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our country, which are produced as a result of deforestation and degradation of the Amazon forests.
  • On November 18, 2022, at COP 27, a contribution agreement was signed between Peru, Norway and Profonanpe for the management of USD 10 million to finance the priority actions of the “Implementation Plan for Phase 2 of the updated JSI 2021-2025”, which has a total cost of approximately USD 50 million.
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