Students from I.E. César Vallejo in La Magdalena participated in outdoor activities.
Photo: Angers William Espejo Pingus.
The workshop is part of Conserva Aves’ initiatives to strengthen the knowledge and commitment of communities to the conservation of their environments. The main objective was to educate participants about the importance of the re-declaration of the Milpuj ACP and to offer them tools to confront and prevent forest fires, promoting better governance in fire management.
The activity involved local educational institutions and included the participation of students from the I.E. César Vallejo in La Magdalena, who walked along ecological trails and became familiar with the flora and fauna of the ACP. These workshops not only benefited the students, but also strengthened the link with the communities of Nogalcucho and Quimbaleran, increasing their awareness of the environmental risks and threats in their territory. The initiative involved the participation of students, teachers and community members, who received training on fire prevention, its causes and consequences, and sustainable fire management practices.
Community members of Nogalcucho and Quimbaleran during a workshop session
Photo: Angers William Espejo Pingus.
In a context where forest fires are affecting more and more natural areas, it is essential that communities are trained to recognize and act in the face of risks. This workshop took place in a region vulnerable to these incidents, helping participants to understand the impact of fires on their environment and the importance of having a prevention strategy in place. The topics of governance and phenological calendar, addressed with the community members, strengthen community management in the face of this type of threat.
Community members from Nogalcucho and Quimbaleran participate in an educational session
Photo: Angers William Espejo Pingus
This workshop at the Milpuj ACP is just one of several activities that Conserva Aves and the AMA Network plan to carry out to consolidate the conservation and sustainability of this natural area. Through periodic trainings, Conserva Aves seeks not only to sensitize communities about environmental risks and improved fire management practices, but also to empower them to take an active role in protecting their environment. The implementation of local governance practices in fire management and the building of a culture of prevention will allow these communities to sustainably manage their natural resources in the long term, strengthening their ties with the environment and ensuring the preservation of this valuable area for future generations.
For more information on future conservation initiatives and the impact of local stakeholders in the AMA NETWORK, please contact:
Angers William Espejo Pingus
Environmental Specialist of AMA NETWORK
Eduard Valdivia Torres